Chipmunk - Superstar

Heres some new shizzzz from Chipmunk.
For some reason I don't have much of him stocked in my iTunes (I wonder why)...bear with me while I add one.

Chipmunk... I don't have many words for this, but imma try scrape few through. This vid is actually really, it's becoming a thing for some rappers to feature a sorta short life/documentary clip showiing concerts and childhood memories, and I'm feelin it. Big Vid, and a BIG tune for this guy

[claps hands]


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One Response to Chipmunk - Superstar

  1. Yo Bo,

    check out Maverick Sabre - Sometimes. MAHOOSIVE track and it's kinda got the same concept.

    You'no I love bringin u in on da unknowns lol; mind u he's 'blowin up' now


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