click image for "House of Balloons" album
It doesn't really matter how much Drake has been promoting him, If people like his sound... they like his sound. I most certainly do.
He produces his own, and its something new, I don't know what kind of genre to class him, some kind of supersonic, thematic, lo-fi, special, black and red box at the top of your wardrobe kinda music...
I hear the Kanye and Drake influence in his music though... He's on more of a mood-setting tip with such production on each track got you feeling a certain way about that scrrrrrrrrrrrumptious person of the opposite sex in front of you. =]
The album HOUSE OF BALLOONS was released near the end of March '11. I must say its got a considerable number of plays on the iTunes already.
The thing thats got everyone peering at this guy's twitter and youtube is that this album is the first of a trilogy, the next two don't have any release dates but they're bound to sound abit like: someday of somemonth 2011.
The guy is planning on letting loose THURSDAY and ECHOES OF SILENCE all before the year 2011 is over.
3 albums in one year!?
A few leaks...
2009 reference track that was meant for Drake, made when Weeknd was part of The NoiseFour unreleased tracks, backtracking to when he was part of production crew - The Noise
"Rolling Stone" - should be for the Thursday tape.