It's been 5 days

...Since my lappy broke.
[Pics from the incident below]


I am distraught and _____ and _____ and ____ etc. (insert all synonyms for VEXXED)

I have lost everything. EVERYTHING! Around 40GB of head-bopping sounds, cool pictures from places I don't remember getting them from...etc.

I've just been playing my ukulele.. only had it for about a month now and I'm getting skillllllls fam! =D
-but I'm still not that good =\ lol

I've also come to the realisation that there is more to life than spending an unholy number of hours in my room pushing buttons... this is a chance for a break. When I get a my own keyboard and screen I'll definitely spend MORE time with it.


...As soon as my a lappy gets to me (hopefully before I head off to uni) imma start making videos. Tune in for those ;)

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