You Rock My World..

My Monday was saved...thanks to her. eating pizza listening to Wale.
We found that she had some hidden skills on the Wii fit. I don't understand how a 'first timer' can get "perfect posture" on the first body test. She does Ballet anyways, so it should be expected =P.
She entertains me when im bored,
She says 'SHAME' whenever something unfortunate happens to me,
She likes to dip into my ketchup instead of her own,
She uses my stuff without permission (never heard a 'please' from her)
She's always on time.
Her favourite colour is green
She cracked her BB screen - KARMA
She doesn't know how to ski
She's allergic to nuts
She's beautiful - inside and out :)
She has/had 6 visible bumps on her tummy area
She smells Nice at ALL times :) [cough *MY Lynx]
She's my friend
"God Made Water, the devil made Vodka"

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